An unusual yet exciting occurrence has excited Kenyans involving a Mombasa-based tuktuk driver William Mzungu and traffic Police Officer, George Mugambi. The officer went out of his way to show rare kindness and great support to the deserving tuktuk driver he had arrested, most importantly donating blood to his sick wife.
Mzungu indicated that he was arrested by the officer at Mwebe Tayari in Mombasa town since his tuktuk lacked the important documents of NTSA accreditation and insurance cover.
Mzungu indicated that he lacked the documents, not because of his unwillingness but the desperate situation of having a sick wife suffering from breast cancer admitted at the Mombasa Hospital. The occurrence had made Mzungu dig into his pocket to the levels that his three children risked being without food.

It is indicated in the story that the tuktuk drivers in the area usually normally make profits of between Ksh 500 and 700 on a regular day, which was a drop in the ocean for the man who had to settle his wife’s hospital bill amounting to Ksh 250,000.
As such, and as soon as officer Mugambi arrested him, Mzungu decided to pull him aside for a little talk and found himself pouring his heart out to him. He mentioned that the officer was touched by his story to the level that he found it hard to believe him.
The officer pardoned the man and asked him to take him to the hospital where the wife was admitted so he could prove he was not lying. The two men then headed to the hospital at that juncture.
Mzungu indicated that officer Mugambi broke out into tears as soon as he saw his wife and her situation at the hospital.
The medical personnel at the hospital explained to the officer that the woman was in urgent need of blood. He was told she needed 10 pints of the important body fluid. The people the couple had identified to help with blood donations had so far asked them to offer Ksh 4,000 per pint.
Without much thinking, the officer offered himself to donate blood for the deserving patient. After the donation it turned out that the accumulated blood amounted to only 2 pints out of the needed 10.
The police officer went ahead to rally other police officers in the area, explaining to them the situation at hand. He asked officers mainly from the Central and Makupa police stations in Mombasa.
His efforts were successful since a number of officers offered to donate blood until the required amount for the driver’s wife was obtained.
Mzungu also indicated that after six months, the wife suffered a second-phase infection and he could only manage to admit her at the Coast General Hospital. Again, officer Mugambi stood by him and even donated blood again.

It is also revealed that during the time the police officer offered aid of money to the driver for purposes of securing the welfare of his family. He also did some shopping for him to take home for his son attending secondary school.
Since the bill of Ksh 250,000 was apparently too much for the needing driver, the officer again rallied his colleagues and other associates to fundraise for the driver, which they did and enabled him to pay the weighty hospital bill.
The selfless cop spoke and asserted that there is a need for people to help each other in times of need since it is what it means to be humane.
The driver was heavily touched by the act of the officer. He could not believe that there are police officers out there who can go to great lengths to exhibit such rare acts of kindness.
It was clear for all to see that the man’s perception towards police officers was significantly changed for the better by the actions of officer Mugambi.
Watch the video by KTN below