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Kenyans Asked To Participate In Vetting Of IG Nominee Hillary Mutyambai

hillary mutyambai

The legislature has called on Kenyans to submit any representation contesting the suitability of nominated Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai.

Kenyans who have any representation in that regard have been asked to reach out to the offices of the National Assembly clerk Michael Sialai and his Senate colleague Jeremiah Nyengenye.

This should be done by Wednesday, March 27, 2019.

Mr Mutyambai’s vetting process is scheduled to take place on March 28,2019.

He will be vetted by the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security committees of the National Assembly and Senate.

Mutyambai will then also be vetted by the standing committee on National Security and Foreign Relations of both houses.

He was nominated last week by President Uhuru Kenyatta, upon the expiration of the non-renewable term of Joseph Boinnet.

If his nomination is approved by the legislators, Officer Mutyambai will replace Boinnet for a four-year non-renewable term.

He will then be in charge of police service, both the Administration Police (AP) and the Kenya Police.
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