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If we approved Echesa with only a birth certificate, Prof Magoha should be automatic - Junet Mohamed

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed (Twitter)

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed on Wednesday excited Members of Parliament after he made a cheeky comparison between former Sports CS Rashid Echesa and incoming Education CS Prof George Magoha.

During debate on the vetting of Prof Magoha, Mohamed joked that his approval should be automatic given that the house had previously allowed Echesa to serve “with only a birth certificate”.

“Mr Speaker, if this house in their own wisdom can pass the nomination of Echesa as a CS, we should spend very little time to discuss Prof Magoha, if Echesa went through with only a birth certificate, this should be automatic,” Mohamed said amid laughter from his colleagues.

Professor George Magoha, the Kenya National Examinations Council Board chairman

Magoha's Interpersonal skills

The ODM Director of Elections, however, called on Magoha to work on his interpersonal skills – particularly when dealing with uneducated people.

“I hope Prof Magoha will have very good interpersonal skills especially with the uneducated people. From the interview process, I felt that these people who have very high qualifications in education have problems relating with uneducated people and they sometimes don’t take them seriously,” the MP said.

Mohamed also raised issue with the fact that Siaya county will have three Cabinet Secretaries and called on the President to consider other counties in the region.

Magoha’s nomination was unanimously approved and is expected to be sworn in any time from now.
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