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Ati what! Christ is the Answer Ministries(CITAM) collected Shs 1.3 billion in tithes in 2017!

Citam, Karen

Christ Is The Answer Ministries(CITAM) made 1.3 billion shillings in tithes and offering in 2017. The church published its financial statement for the year ending 2017 on its website.
Screenshot from the financial statement
Screenshot from the financial statement
A snippet from the document states:
“Total revenue during the year under review recorded an impressive growth of 22% to Kshs 1.83 billion up from Kshs 1.5 billion in 2016. This was majorly attributable to; increased Tithe and offerings, special giving towards church planting and other projects, introduction of new businesses, donations from new partners and new Assemblies increased giving.” 
Citam, Valley Road
Citam, Valley Road
The asset base of the ministry grew impressively after a re-evaluation. The report states that:
The ministry re-valued its properties (Land and Buildings) during the year. As a result, the ministry’s Asset base grew from Kshs 3.5 billion to Kshs 12.3 billion (250%).
The amount that the ministry collected from tithes and offering is stunning considering that 2017 was an election year that was fraught with economic uncertainties.
The ministry has many branches that are spread all over the country. The branch locations are below:
-Valley Road
-Thika Road
-Clay City
-Thika Town
-Athi River
Citam, Valley Road
Citam, Valley Road: Courtesy/The Star
The church should be lauded for releasing their records for the public and their own members to look over.

Many churches are shrouded in mystery as to what they do with the colossal sums of money that they collect annually from members.
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