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I slept with my drunk father and i liked it, please advice – city woman cries

Xtian Dela On his platform, Toboa, where people share disturbing stories, a lady has shared one of the filthiest things you will ever hear.

This is the same platform where a lady exposed gospel musicians DK Kwenye beat and Hope kid after they had a threesome with her, infected her with an STD and later on ignored her completely. This clearly shows that Toboa gives legit stories.

However whether or not the story is true, we will know with time, because we always do, right?

So, this lady is crying for help saying she is so confused and needs advice. Apparently, she was home last Saturday when her father(biological dad) came home drunk.

He was so wasted that she had to help him get to his bedroom. Her mother was out of town for two weeks so they were just the two of them.

When they got to the dad’s bedroom he grabbed her and “forced himself on her”. Apparently, he was too drunk that he thought that was his wife. The lady did not stop him though.

Apparently, she did not want him to rape her so she just let things flow. She slept with the dad for about two hours!

Here is the thing, she liked it. I know this is very gross and any other person would never even imagine being in such a position with their dad but not her.

She said that she really liked it and she is even contemplating whether or not she wants some more.

Read the confession below

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Disturbing, right?
Kenyans were amazed by this story. Some said that this woman needs Gods intervention while others went on to say this must be a made up story.
😭😭😭 how do i unread this 😰😰
This is a lie…pure lie
Jehova wanyonyi resurrect ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…
And these girl just typed this says repeatedly I don’t blame him🙄 who born you ? Why did you choose to ashame your mother and you say you you think you want him AGAIN 😫 .. if this story is true or not true may thunder scatter that hand typed this, your head for keeping stupid brain and your future because woman you are a disgrace …..you don’t need deliverance you need to deal with God personally…..if you were around me and say that to me my Friends I would have warmed your face infact I would have scattered the whole of you tell your mum and make sure she disowned you ….
@philokim3 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 chew for two hours 😂😂😂😂
@philokim3 This is obviously made up
So unfortunate.. WILLFULL blindness.. You need help asap!!
@natashacardenas2 am I the only one who doesn’t believe this
Takataka taka mapepo hayo
Lol a daughter taking her dad to bed because he’s drunk???? We have totally lost it as Africans!! Africans dad sleep wherever they can wakilewa, sio ati you go helping them get to bed!!!! Even their wives leave them to keiyo hata kwa mitaro na fence ya nyumbani!! This one is lying!
@mkiarie111 she wanted it for so long then bam opportunity came in
@ibrahim_stamili PR tupu tu…how does someone even do that?🤔

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