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‘Former colleagues ignored my calls to hook me up with a job’ Anne Ngugi


BBC journalist Anne Ngugi had her life planned out before things came crumbling after she was fired from Citizen TV at a time when her star was rising.
Speaking about the issue recently, Anne says that for a long time she was bitter but now she has let go off the anger.
She had been bitter with people but got to a point she asked God to give her peace to be able to love everyone.

I now find it easy for me to even pray with a clean heart. At that time when my heart was bitter, I was not at peace.

Anne Ngugi with her daughter and Lulu Hassan
Anne Ngugi with her daughter and Lulu Hassan
Anne has spoken on numerous occasions about how people she termed as friends gave her a cold shoulder after she was fired from her media job, years ago.
She recalled how her bosses refused to pick up her calls every time she called them and was forced to sell one of their cars; a Mercedes Benz because they, (her and hubby) couldn’t maintain it.

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She has since moved on and is content with her new workplace, saying the past was a learning experience to her career.

I lost people I thought were my friends. I even called former colleagues to hook me up with jobs, but they ignored me.

That was hard to believe. People change a lot especially when you have nothing to give anymore.

Anne Ngugi and her husband
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