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A popular TV Presenter Dies After Falling Off Bridge

Kameme TV presenter Ihugo wa Njeri died on Monday morning after being involved in a fatal accident on his way to the Kameme TV offices in Nairobi.

The Kikuyu presenter is popular for his segment 'Unduire Witu' (our culture) and 'Menya Rithiomi' (know your language) on the breakfast show known as Rikiratha hosted by Wangechi wa Kariuki.

"He called at around 7:59am to say he had taken a motorbike from Westlands because he was running late for the show," Wangechi stated.

She narrated there was a tyre burst at the Museum Hill roundabout which made him fly over the bridge and fall down.

The late Ihugo wa Njeri

"He was very hurt on his head, which bled so much that he died on the spot," she noted

"Someone took his badge and brought it to work saying that the owner was lying dead," she added.
'Unduire Witu' is a Kikuyu show that educates the target audience on Kikuyu culture.

On Twitter, the Kameme fraternity passed their condolences.

"Kameme TV mourns the death of Ihugo wa Njeri who died in a road accident. May he rest in peace," the tweet noted.

His fans and personal friends have also mourned him on social media as an educator who reminded the Kikuyu of their culture.

Rest in Peace Mutonyi Ihugo wa Njeri @Gachomo Foreman wrote.

Pictured is Ihugo wa Njeri
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