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Jubilee politician exposed! He banged a slay queen without protection and left her hanging (Chats and PHOTOs)

A Jubilee politician has been exposed after he solicited for sex from a slay queen and left her hanging.

Joseph Kiarie alias Coachez, who contested for Lanet Umoja Ward as an MCA, solicited for sex from the lady through social media.

They exchanged contacts and planned for a sex date.

The lady exposed the sex hungry politician and businessman claiming he banged her without protection and refused to pay her.

He even refused to send her money to buy pills.

This is how they started the conversation on social media before exchanging contacts.

The politician then refused to pay her after smashing the goodies.

Here are photos the sex hungry and married politician.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely Kenyanpost, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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