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Ex-Militant Exposes Al Shabaab's Use of Kenyans as Sacrificial Lambs

A former Al Shabaab fighter has revealed that a majority of Kenyans who join the terrorist group are used as sacrificial lambs.

According to The Star, the returnee revealed that the gang’s explosives unit, Istishadi and foot soldiers unit known as Jabha are the most notorious.

"They use Kenyans and other regional foreign fighters for suicide missions or on the frontline against enemies," stated the returnee.

The former militant has since reformed after being taken through a rehabilitation program by the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC).

Intelligence reports indicate that the gunmen executed five of their counterparts over suspicion of spying for their enemies in a recent implosion within the group due to suspicions of spies planted among them.

The mistrust has reportedly led to a large number of Kenyan fighters sneaking back into the country, and a few remaining ones operating, almost semi-independently, within the densely forested Lacta area that cuts across the Kenya-Somalia border.
The increased movement of the militants towards the Kenya-Somali border led the Kenya Police to issue a terror alert in October.

The police called upon members of the public, particularly those living along the border, to remain vigilant and report any suspicious movement by individuals or groups to the nearest security personnel.

Later in the month, 24 terrorists were killed in a clash with the Kenya Defence Forces in Bilis Qooqani, in the southern part of Somalia.

The close-quarters combat (CQC) lasted for more than 30 minutes and left 3 KDF special officers injured.

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