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Mombasa Woman Vandalizes Boyfriend’s Mercedes Benz After Wrongful Cheating Suspicion (VIDEO)

It’s said hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This played itself out in what is emerging to be a case of too fast, too much, too soon.
Cynthia Keru is reported to have gone bonkers after she suspected her lover, an unidentified male, was cheating on her.
To get back to the dude, she saw it fit to go after the one thing most men hold sacred. His Mercedes Benz C Class.
Cynthia is seen in the video going ham on the German machine smashing it’s windows, walking on its roof all the while screaming obscenities.
Here is how the lady dealt with car.
Reports have it that her anger might have been misplaced as the guy is seriously smitten and wasn’t cheating on her.
Here are images of the aftermath.
The lady in the video is known as Cynthia Keru and is seen posing with the Same car.

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