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Mtoto si wako! Diamond denies rumours that Prince Nillan is not his son

Ivan on the left with Diamond and Nillan

Diamond is not one who gets flustered easily as his many public indiscretions prove. He rarely if ever apologizes or takes responsibility for making a mistake.
Diamond Platnumz
Diamond Platnumz
But there is one issue that seems to be a sore point for the Tanzanian superstar. The notion that his first born Nillan Dangote isn’t his. This rumour has been perpetuated ever since Nillan made his social media debut in 2016.
The internet was quick to point out he that he bore a spitting resemblance to his mother’s ex-husband, the late Ivan Semwanga.
Ivan and Zari in the past
Ivan and Zari in the past
Diamond took to Instagram on Thursday, May 10, to clear up rumours suggesting he was dealt a blow when it came to his kids. According to him, Nillan is his child as the two look alike and no one should contest that. He wrote in one of his mother’s post:
He also declared that Hamisa Mobettos’s child is also his and no one should dispute that. A lot of media outlets and gossip pages had suggested Zari cheated on the musician during the period that Diamond and Hamisa were dating.
Diamond screenshot
It was even rumoured the couple had performed a DNA test to determine who was indeed the father to the little chap.
Diamond and Nillan
Diamond and Nillan
Diamond isn’t the first celeb to face questions over whether he sired a child. Travis Scott, the American rapper, is facing questions about whether Kendall Jenner’s daughter is his.
Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner
Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner
The rumour is that Kendall’s bodyguard might be the father.
Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner
Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner
Closer home, it has been alleged that singer Bahati ordered a DNA test done on his daughter Heaven immediately after Diana Marua gave birth.
Diana Marua and Heaven Bahati
Diana Marua and Heaven Bahati
The claim is that the couple’s neighbours heard a whole hullabaloo after Bahati received a secret envelope that was to be opened by him alone. An allegation he strenuously denies.
Bahati and Diana Marua pregnant
Bahati and Diana Marua when she was pregnant
Whatever the case, Diamond will not be the first man nor the last one to have suspicions about the parentage of his offspring.

Personally, a DNA test will be done for all my kids. No jokes!

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