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‘Armed terrorists still holed up at Dusit,’ says IG Boinnet

14 Riverside attack: 'Armed terrorists still holed up at Dusit,' says IG Boinnet

Police are still battling armed assailants who staged a terror attack at 14 Riverside Drive near the dusitD2 hotel in Nairobi on Tuesday.

At the time of the press briefing at 6pm on Tuesday, Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet said the gunmen were still holed at the dusitD2 complex, adding that an multi-agency security operation was underway to flush out the criminals.

“We regret to inform that today at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, a group of unknown armed assailants attacked the Dusit complex in what we suspect could be a terror attack,” said Boinnet.

He added: “We are aware that there still could be some armed criminals still holed up in the building and our special forces are engaged in an operation to flush them out.”

Boinnet further pointed out that the number of casualties was still unknown even as he confirmed that many people had been evacuated from the area with some having sustained injuries.

“Security and emergency services responded quickly to the incident and we immediately cordoned off the area and the situation is being managed and we’ve made evacuation of many persons in the complex and the operation is still ongoing,” said Boinnet.

“We wish to also regret that there could be some injuries in the attack and we are in the process of confirming the nature and types of injuries.”

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