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Signs That He Is Truly Interested In You, Not Just Raiding Your 'Cookie Jar'

“If they love you, you will know. If they don’t, you will wonder all the time if they do.” This has always been my manta in dating.
I have realised that wondering whether the man you are seeing is truly interested in you or not is a common predicament among women.
Many have become victims of hit and run affairs and have never quite figured out how to tell the man they are seeing is truly interested in something solid.
I get questions about this issue from women all the time and my answer is always the same: if a man likes you, you will know it. If you need to look for proof that he is into you, he most likely isn’t.
For those who refuse to follow their gut feeling, there are other signs. The following are surefire signs that a man isn’t interested in you.
He doesn’t initiate contact
The most obvious sign that a man is not into you is if he doesn’t pursue communication with you. Women get confused about this.
A woman will complain that she is always the one texting first or initiating conversations but maintain that the guy must like her because he texts back and acts friendly.
You shouldn’t dwell on how flirty or friendly he seems when he texts you back. Instead, ask yourself how often he actually reaches out to you.
He doesn’t make time for you
I detest the ‘too busy’ excuse. I think it is the lamest excuse a man can give to a woman. I have said time and time again that there is simply no such thing as ‘being too busy to see someone’.
It is 2018. We are all busy trying to get ahead in this competitive world. However, we make time for the things that are important to us. If he is not making time to see you then you are not important to him.
Stop making excuses for him. It doesn’t matter that he is juggling a demanding job and school. If he can’t make time to be with you, he is not interested in you.
He isn’t interested in getting to know you
When a man truly likes you, he can’t get enough. He wants to know every little thing about you.
He wants to know your interests, your goals, aspirations and all your ambitions in life. He will always ask questions about you because he is interested in learning about everything that makes you who you are.
If he doesn’t show interest or excitement in learning about you then he is just not interested in you.
He doesn’t remember things that are important
If a man forgets the details that you share with him, especially about things that are important to you, chances are he is not that into you.
When a man likes a woman, like I said, he is interested in everything about her life, especially the things that she cares about.
He pays attention when she talks about them and will remember every little detail. If he forgets things like your birthday, what you do for work, your best friend’s name (especially if you have mentioned it a few times), he is not that interested in you.
He doesn’t open up
Don’t be quick to conclude that he has intimacy issues because he refuses to open up to you about his life. It could be because he doesn’t think you are worth the trouble.
Opening up to someone is hard because you are letting yourself be vulnerable. If a man likes a woman, he has no problem letting her in.
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