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Woman claims GSU officer wants her dead after discovering his 22 girls

A woman has accused a GSU officer attached to a high-profile office in Nairobi of threatening her life.

Terry Nyokabi claims the officer, identified as George Abonyo, threatened her after she found out he is engaged to a German lass and 22 other women. Abonyo has vehemently denied the accusations.

Nyokabi has distanced herself from claims that she was behind a nasty post shared online that leaked photos of Abonyo ‘licking’ some of the alleged girlfriends.

The matter has been booked at Embakasi Police Station under number OB39/17/017/2018.

“Its high time I tell you what I’m made of, you better let your so called lawyers to be ready coz this time round you’re gone case, let all your family know this that post on FB will cost you’re your life, I’ll soon be in Rongai, n you know what it’s enough evidence I don’t need any other, just know this, you are dead person walking, bye (sic),” reads part of the threatening text message to Nyokabi, allegedly sent by Abonyo.

The message further reads: “…even if it takes me through what, bora uachane na maisha ya watu... ata kama ni keuenda kwa waganga ama pastors ndio ni achieve the goal, I will do it… I swear…. you will confess it, hutawahi kuniona, but the blue pocketed T-shirt n the panty uliacha is going to haunt you, I still have them…n you won’t get them nlishtaoka kambi, sasa sijui utanitafuta wapi (sic).”

Abonyo has however denied threatening Nyokabi’s life and claimed that the woman is out to tarnish his name. He claims that problems started when she borrowed Sh2,000 then declared herself his wife.

The two met when Nyokabi was struggling to get back some Sh15,000 she had loaned to a son of a politician based in Siaya County.

“I received a call from a stranger who turned out to be Abonyo. He claimed to be a police officer based at the Central Police Station and informed me that I was needed at the station to record a statement in relation to my issue,” Nyokabi told The Nairobian.

She added that: “After some time, he kept texting me, and I opened up about my depression bouts. He kept advising me on how to deal with my condition- then in between he would call me for long hours pushing for an intimate relationship. I gave in.”

In September last year, Nyokabi claims Abonyo visited her place in Ongata Rongai, where they first had intercourse before going mute until late January 2018, when he started pursuing her again, having opened up that he is a GSU officer based at the Embakasi training college.

“He invited me to his house at the Embakasi GSU camp. I stayed there for four days. The second time I visited him, I stayed there for about three weeks. But after some time, I realised that he had other women,” she claimed

She added that, “He showed me a picture of a woman based in Germany called Chichi and I felt uncomfortable. I later found documents in his house indicating that he was married, yet all along he had lied to me that he was single.”

Nyokabi further claims that she got contacts of other girls from Abonyo’s secret SIM card, specifically that of Chichi. She contacted her and told the German told her that she has been Abonyo’s girlfriend for four years.

“I left Abonyo’s house in April. Chichi pushed me to help expose him for who he really is, but I developed cold feet. I decided to distance myself on realising that he was seeing several women behind my back,” she told the police. Abonyo reportedly called and berated her for exposing him on social media.

“He threatened my life. I suspect he was exposed by the German girlfriend,” she said.

The Nairobian contacted Abonyo who didn’t deny being in a relationship with Nyokabi, but accused her of trying to force herself on him as his wife.

“I advised her to report the matter to the police, but then she started texting me and demanding that we meet. I met her around October last year and visited her house in Ongata Rongai,” he said.

He added that: “We lost touch until early 2018 when she borrowed some Sh2,000 from me. She called me another time during late hours pushing for sex.”

The officer said Nyokabi was insisting on visiting him in his house within the camp, until he accepted, only for her to arrive with luggage and declare that they were now married after spending the night together.

She started calling my bosses and in an attempt to force me to accept her. She is mad,” Abonyo told The Nairobian.

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