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Wife of corruption suspect surrenders millions to Gov't

A woman handling Ksh1,000 notes

The wife of a suspected corrupt KRA employee, Alex Mukhwana, surrendered a sum of Sh20 million back to the government after a High Court ruling was made yesterday.

Justice Hedwig Ong'undi considered arguments brought before her and allowed the government to recover the sum from Ms Pamela Aboo Mukhwana.
Pamela could not explain her frequent trips to Nairobi from Busia during which she made regular deposits of not less than Sh100,000 to her bank account.
Her husband claimed not to know how his wife's bank account got bloated without documents to support claims that she had conducted business.
playMukhwana (L) during a past court appearance (Daily Nation)

No Business Records
"There is no dispute that huge deposits were being made. Even with all this. she could not explain how she got the money. It could be true that she does business but where is the evidence?" the judge posed.
Pamela made the deposits between 2016 and 2017 without ever making a withdrawal.
By the time authorities caught up with her, she was making as much as Sh700,000 deposits to the account.
"There's no law prohibiting one to deposit money. It is also not an offence not to withdraw the money.
"One can even deposit Sh1 billion but they ought to explain how they obtained it," Justice Ong'undi ruled.
The judge subsequently ordered for the Assets Recovery Authority (ARA) to receive the funds.
playJustice Hedwig Ong'undi (twitter)
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