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Daddy from hell! Rapes 15-year-old daughter to chase out her demons

A father in Spain has been accused of raping his 15-year-old daughter and two of her friends after claiming he needed to rid them of evil spirits.
It is alleged that the man, known as Javier G D, repeatedly raped the victims at his home in Baix Llobregat, near Barcelona, while his wife let the abuse go on under their roof.

Javier claimed to be in the ‘Order of Odin’ which which required him to rape the girls or else their family members would be cursed with misfortune, the BBC reports.
Prosecutors will argue that he should get a 45-year prison sentence when he goes on trial in Barcelona on ThursdayThey also think his wife should get nine years’ jail as an accomplice.
She was allegedly in the house during the rapes and even asked the girls ‘how it had been’.
Javier claimed to be in the ‘Order of Odin’ which which required him to rape the girls or else their family members would be cursed with misfortune, the BBC reports.
The case comes after a court acquitted five men of rape charges for an attack on a young woman during a bull-running festival in Pamplona.
All five were jailed for nine years on a lesser charge of sexual abuse.
The verdict triggered public anger and an outpouring of personal stories of male abuse on social media.
– Daily Mail

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