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ODM Party Gives Migori MCAs Two Weeks To Impeach Governor Obado


Migori county ODM chairman Philip Makabong’o has given Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) a two-weeks ultimatum to impeach beleaguered Governor Okoth Obado.

In a controversial WhatsApp message to the MCAs, Makabong'o called on the politicians to apply the due process as stipulated in law to force the governor out of office or else the party would be forced to intervene.

“The law of the land is categorical on the legal proceedings under article 181.1 on how to remove a governor from the office,” he said.

Makabong'o is perceived to be the biggest critic of Obado and his statement was a strong indication that a major impeachment motion was in the offing.

He said the county chief should be removed from office over his absence from the county and his deputy Mwita Mahanga to take over.
Obado is facing murder charges together with his two aides, Caspal Obiero and Michael Oyamo, over the death of his girlfriend Sharon Otieno and their unborn baby boy.

“The Migori county assembly members are sleeping in class or they don’t understand their legislative obligations!” Makabong'o went on.

He added: “Kindly deal within two weeks or the party will intervene.”

According to the party official, county government operations are at a standstill but the MCAs have ignored it despite breaking into education office last week to steal bursary forms.

"God forbid the Migori senator has been sworn in and demand for a way forward. Migori people wake up and remove the webs,” he warned in a thinly veiled reference to Obado’s political nemesis senator Ochillo Ayacko.
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