State House Director of Innovation and Digital Communications Dennis Itumbi has revealed that journalist Jacque Maribe is yet to be released, more than twenty four hours since she was granted bail by High Court Judge James Wakiaga.
Itumbi accused the Deputy Registrar of the High Court of “playing games” noting that they had submitted the bond requirements on Tuesday afternoon but were yet to secure Maribe’s freedom.
He added that it was likely his friend would spend another night at Lang’ata Women’s Prison of having met the bond requirements set out by
“Interesting events at the Deputy Registrar in the High Court. We completed the bond process for our friend Jacque Maribe at 12pm and till now no progress”.
“She is looking at another night in prison despite being freed by The Court yesterday. Let me tell you of the games. Yesterday, the same games were employed. The Deputy Registrar declined to sign the letter committing documents to land registry and registrar of persons yesterday. We decided to wait for today,” Itumbi tweeted in frustration.