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Melania nearly hit by elephant, see secret service’s quick reaction [Video]

Melania Trump's scary moment with a baby elephant in Nairobi

US First Lady Melania Trump on Friday had a short-lived adrenaline moment while visiting an elephant orphanage at David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

In her first tour since arriving in Nairobi on Thursday night, Melania went to feed elephant calves accompanied by her host, Kenya’s First Lady Margaret Kenya.
While petting of the baby elephants, a calf run in her direction apparently startled by her touch – momentarily unsettling her.
playMelania Trump's scary moment with a baby elephant in Nairobi (PSCU)

A secret service agent accompanying her was quick to hold her to safety, although the baby elephant calmly went on with its business while Melania regained her footing with a smile.
After leaving the Sheldrick centre, the two First Ladies proceeded to the Kenya National Theatre where they watched a cultural performance by Sarakasi Dancers.
Her tight schedule also included a visit to a children home in Gigiri.
HERE IS THE VIDEO of the incident

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