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South Sudanese General Awet Akot Denies Knowing Monica, Threatens To Sue Daily Nation For Defamation

monica, awet akot

South Sudan Members of Parliament have condemned the recent misinformation circulating in various media outlets linking former warlord Daniel Awet Akot to the late Monica Nyawira Kimani.
According to the legislators, a recent article by the Daily Nation “Monica’s Juba Links” has left many in shock as it is an “insult to an elder and a prominent senior figure of our government.”
Speaking at the National Parliament in Juba, the concerned MPs accused Kenyan media outlets especially the Daily Nation of making false allegations against the General who has denied knowing the deceased.
Ms Kimani was found dead at her Kilimani apartment on September 20 shortly after landing from Juba where she ran a family business. Her father, Bishop Paul Ngarama has however maintained that General Awet is a “close family friend.”
“We take this opportunity to firmly refute these allegations and strongly ask our Kenyan brothers and sisters and the world at large not to believe all the misleading information recently published on various media outlets since the death of Ms Monica,” the lawmakers said.
The General is now threatening to take legal action against should Daily Nation not provide proof of their allegations. Failure to do so, they said, “shall leave them liable to a law suit.”
On October 3, the Daily Nation reported that the deceased worked in the General’s office back when he was a governor. He was friends with her father (Ngarama) and helped him establish churches across the country.
When Akot became the Deputy Speaker in the National Legislative Assembly, he moved with his family and Monica who was then not working in his office.
Ms Kimani who was laid to rest on Friday last week, allegedly traveled to Kenya at least twice a month to check on her properties and those of Mr Akot who helped her win contracts from the government and private organizations.
On September 19, she is believed to have traveled into the country with a huge amount of cash which she did from time to time.
So far, police have in their custody three people; Joe Irungu, TV girl Jacque Maribe and businessman Brian Kasaine.
DNA results have placed Irungu at the scene of crime as he is set to take a plea on Monday.

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