Don’t disregard a young man based on where he is now – Those are the words of Reverend Kathy Kiuna, otherwise referred to as Mum by her loyal JCC congregants.
While those words might be music to the ears of a lot of young and broke Kenyan men, they might be hard to swallow for an equally large number of young women who have come to accept the ‘sponsor’ culture as the most viable way of making it in a highly materialistic world.
Either way, pastor Kathy Kiuna is living proof that if given a chance, a young man with big dreams can achieve great things. She is the wife of Bishop Allan Kiuna and together, they run one of the biggest churches in the region; the Jubilee Christian Church with over 8000 members and church branches both local and international.
According to Kathy Kiuna, she “saw a great man with a great vision in spite of the pocket situation”. In fact, the visionary of Daughters of Zion Ministry paid for their first coffee date over 20 years ago because Allan Kiuna was broke.
The celebrity pastor made the revelation on social media as she narrated how she first met her future husband, Bishop Allan Kiuna.
“First time I met him he was by a phone booth or what we called a call box those days. He stepped out and said, ‘hey Kathy, can you please give me a minute I talk to you?’ You could have knocked me off with a feather when he called my name coz I had no idea he knew my name,” said Kathy, adding, “He hang up the phone immediately and explained he was talking to his mum.”
Allan Kiuna then asked her out on a lunch date but Kathy turned him down.
“He went on to ask me out on a lunch date and I said NO. Deep in my heart it was a yes but I was so in love with God as I still am and I served in church every lunch hour so lunch was a no no for me no matter who,” said Kathy.
She went on: “Of course I told God to let him come back again and he did the next day this time with a coffee date. A wise woman doesn’t say no twice and the moment we sat at Utalii hotel for coffee it’s like we were best friends who just never met before.”
“We became inseparable. I need to say I paid for the coffee too 😂😂😂😂. I saw a great man with a great vision in-spite of the pocket situation. Don’t disregard a young man based on where he is now. See with the spiritual eye where God is taking him,” concluded Kathy.
The celebrity pastors have been married for 24 years and blessed with three children.