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Like Jacque Maribe and Jowie: How to avoid dating a scammer

Did Jacque Maribe ever know that she was dating a man that would turn out to be a suspected killer? That’s the question many are asking themselves.
You see, she is under police custody only because of her fiance, Jowie, who proposed to her in July this year. Four months down the line, she is in trouble.
Jacque Maribe and Friends
Jacque Maribe and Fiance Jowie
Well, it turns out that there are many people who are dating people they really don’t know especially if the two of you first met online.
Here are some of the guidelines to follow to avoid dating a fraud.
-Jowie engaged Jacque two months after they met. This is love bombing. Make sure you have fully known the person you are getting involved with. Don’t rush it. Take your time. Investigate.
-Inability to control anger. Neigbours say that Jowie and Jacque had been arguing. The neigbour said “They used to fight a lot.”
-Living in mystery. You need to know his place of residence, his work place. He could be a serial killer. Knowing zero about where your partner stays is a big red flag.
-Moving in immediately. Jowie was living at Maribe’s house oftenly. Take time to learn your partner.
– Stay chatting to people using the online dating site’s messenger function. Scammers will try to get you off the site, so your conversation isn’t monitored
– Be wary if someone is using very flowery or overly romantic language on their profile
– Use Google’s reverse image search to check whether a photo is used elsewhere on the web. If the person is real, it should just bring up their own social media
– Scammers are often not native English speakers, so there may be weird expressions, or pigeon English, in a scammer’s online dating profile- Cut and paste sections of someone’s dating profile into Google to see if the profile contains phrases used by known scammers – there are databases available online
– Don’t give out sensitive personal information to someone you meet online – including your date of birth, address, and bank details

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