The sleuths are waiting for the outcome of the DNA analysis which requires a minimum of 14 days that might contain the final clue to help nail the perpetrators of the crime.
This is even after Joseph Irungu alias Jowie, his girlfriend Jacque Maribe and their neighbour Brian Kassaine are in custody as suspects of the murder case.
A senior officer privy to the ongoing probe stated that the collected samples were being subjected to forensic analysis including samples extracted from Jowie and Maribe.
“The report will be crucial since we need to collaborate our earlier findings. With this, we shall have a watertight case.
“If any of the prime suspects and any other person went to the scene of the crime and left their fingerprints, there are higher chances that they will be nabbed. Details of someone’s fingerprints are unique to them alone,” an officer was quoted by Capital FM.
While circumstantial evidence has given detectives crucial leads, multiple people involved in the probe maintained that it was the application of forensic science that will unravel the murder puzzle fully.
Police were granted 10 days to conclude investigations during their various appearances in court but it is, however, unclear whether the DNA report will be ready.
Jowie is said to have used Kassaine’s gun to shoot himself below his left shoulder on the fateful night and though police are yet to establish the motive, the Investigating Officer’s affidavit revealed that Maribe claimed it was a case of attempted suicide.
However, sleuths have questioned the suicide narrative arguing Jowie was reportedly a gun expert who would know where to target in such a case.