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DPP announces criminal charges Jacque Maribe will be facing as investigations near completion

DPP announces criminal charges Jacque Maribe will be facing as investigations near completion

Jacque Maribe was in court on Monday October 1st for bail hearing. Kiambu Principal Magistrate Justus Kituku however allowed police to detain Maribe for 11 days to facilitate further investigation.

Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji through his assistant Jacinta Nyamosi, on Monday said Maribe will face multiple criminal charges.

Nyamosi announced that the citizen TV anchor will face a murder charge for being an accessory in the killing of Monica Kimani whose lifeless body was found in a bathtub at her apartment in Nairobi.

Maribe will also face other criminal charges including illegal handling of a firearm after a nine millimetre live bullet was recovered in her bedroom.

Maribe together with her fiance Joseph Irungu and Brian Kassaine – a mutual friend and neighbour are the key suspects in the murder of Monica.

Brian Kassaine was arrested on suspicion that he could be an accomplice after it emerged that Irungu used his gun to shoot himself to lay a false trail in the investigations of Monica’s murder.

The three are being held in different police stations pending the conclusion of the investigations and charge from the prosecutors.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Ghafla, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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