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9 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

Former Budalangi Member of Parliament Ababu Namwamba is living in a mansion worth millions in Budalangi. Known not only for being a vocal politician never shy from speaking his mind, but also for his romantic life where he often shares photos of himself and wife spending quality time together, Namwamba is a man who loves the flashy lifestyle.
That being said, the former legislature owns a mansion in Budalangi that sits by the shores of Lake Victoria. The lake water also ensures the honorable’s mansion has an ever green compound.
Namwamba also owns a speed boat with a carrying capacity of 10 which he often uses to spend time with his beautiful wife and children.
The house also has a library where Ababu likes to spend time whenever he needs to keep his brain busy.

Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House

Check out the photos of Ababu Namwamba’s house below;

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

The house is located by the shores of the vast Lake Victoria.

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

Hon Ababu Namwamba owns a speed boat with a carrying capacity of 10 and often allows his visitors to enjoy a ride.

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba relaxing with his kids
10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

There’s a meeting room too in the mansion. I suppose this’s where important political strategies are refined.

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi

Then there’s a home library which seems to be well stocked with different kind of books.

10 Photos of Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi
Ababu Namwamba’s House in Budalangi 
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