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Eldoret Woman Arrested Transporting Body Of Her Husband In A Sack

Eldoret woman arrested transporting body of her husband in a sack

Police in Eldoret are grilling a 29-year-old woman on suspicion she brutally murdered her husband and stuffed in a sack.

The woman who was identified as Melisa Muhindi was arrested on the night of Friday, October 5, at Kamkunji estate while transporting the body of her spouse Geoffery Matchese on a motorbike.

Though was not immediately established where she was taking it, Eldoret West OCPD Zachary Bitok suspected she was going to dump the body in the nearby thicket.

Bitok confirmed preliminary investigations indicated the victim, a newspaper vendor in Eldoret town has had domestic quarrels with his wife for sometimes now which he said could have been triggered the unfortunate incident.

"At around 2 am, police received intelligence the body of someone who had been killed was being suspiciously ferried on a boda boda. "We swang into action and intercepted the motorbike which carried the body and the suspect. We discovered the luggage was indeed body of a male person," the officer told TUKO.co.ke.

he body was taken to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital awaiting postmortem examination to establish the cause of his death.

Meanwhile, the police are looking for the rider after he jumped off the motorbike and escaped into the cover of darkness. Melisa will be arraigned once the postmortem exercise is over.

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