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Drama as angry Waiguru, Ngilu lead MPs in heckling and ejecting MP from stage at Narok BBI forum [Video]

Raila Odinga flanked by senior government officials and politicians at the Narok BBI rally

Drama ensued in Narok during the Building Bridges Initiative Forum led by Raila Odinga when Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, Kitui’s Charity Ngilu nd Hoamabay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga stoop up and heckled Budalangi MP Raphael Wanjala.

It all started when Wanjala was invited to the podium to address the gathering and delved into the proposal to increase representation for Women in elective seats.

"That we support the BBI is not in doubt, but recently, we went on a bench-marking trip to Germany. The Europeans there pointd out that we Africans have a problem of following directions from them even when they don’t follow the same directives.

"They told us that the gender issue is never legislated in a democratic society. You cannot force a man who wants to be a governor, to nominate a woman as a deputy. This is a democratic nation and everyone will compete on his own. You are not entering into a marriage," Wanjala stated.

His remarks attracted an angry reaction from the crowd as the female legislators stood up, shouting in protest.

Wanjala quickly handed over the microphone and retreated to his seat.

The female lawmakers only stopped shouting after his speech had ended.

Below is the video of how the drama unfolded.

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