Well, you just heard it right. Masturbation can really be a contest.
The m-word has never had any favor from the religious books, with the holiest-than-thou talking ill of it, and calling upon the addicts to seek help out of it, as to the holiest, masturbation is ungodly.
For the unknowing, musturbation is the noun form of ‘masturbate’, which means one rubbing their genitals with the sole object to achieve sexual pleasure. Queer as it sounds, a man from South Africa has reaped big out of it, masturbation.
27-year-old Zakhele Xulu won in the World Masturbation Tournament that was held in Ontario, Canada. The contest attracted 14 other competitors from over 13 countries. Out of the 15, Xulu emerged the first bagging the “Johnny sins Cup”.
“I have been practicing this for years. I would spend an average of 8 hours a day, 7 days a week working towards honing my jerking skills and it finally paid off when I came,” says the upbeat Xulu.
The world’s best “musturbator” could not hide his joy, so blissful of the pride he has accorded the Mzansi nation.
“Dad, your son is a star,” the joyful Xulu.
He remembered in many of his practices to master the art in masturbating, his father was so discouraging to him. To the father, the act is demonic and he was not going to support his son in doing it.
“In early days, my dad would discourage me from doing this and he would tell me how disappointed he was as I wasn’t chasing women but instead wasting my time on demonic things,” Zakhele Xulu, world’s best “musturbator”.
What else out of this world can you do to get recognition? If musturbation is becoming a deal, do you think anything should limit you?