![A 24-year-old woman from Mombasa is recuperating in hospital after she was allegedly scalded with hot water and by her estranged husband. [PHOTO | K24 DIGITAL]](https://www.k24tv.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/MOMBASA-WOMAN-730x414.jpg)
A 24-year-old woman from Kiembeni in Mombasa is receiving treatment at the Coast Provincial General Hospital after she was allegedly scalded with a mixture of hot water and cooking oil by her estranged husband.
Winnie Wambua claims that on December 13, her middle-aged partner, Henry Mugonda, whom she had separated with for nearly one year, confronted her at her hair salon in Kiembeni, Kisauni Sub-County, and demanded she lets him back in her life.
Wambua told K24 Digital that Mugonda, a Tanzanian national, had — in the past two months – been unsuccessfully attempting to win her back.
“On December 13, he came to my workplace and asked if I could reunite with him. Just like before, I said ‘no’ to his request. He got angry, and told me: ‘I will ensure I inflict on you the same pain that I am feeling for losing you’. He, thereafter, walked out of the salon and went to a nearby building, where I had seen him store a kitchen stove. I did not know why he had carried a cooking appliance with him,” said Wambua.
“After 30 minutes, he came back to the hair salon carrying a jug that contained a mixture of hot water and cooking oil, and scalded me with the liquid,” said Wambua, who added: “Based on his actions, he had pre-planned the whole attack.”
Wambua sustained burn injuries to her face, shoulder and chest.
She claims that after committing the offence, her estranged spouse took off on a waiting bodaboda.
Police have tracked down the suspect to the Kenya-Tanzania border in Horohoro, which is located in Kenya’s South Coast.