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Relief for motorists as gov't announces major drop in petrol prices

It is good news for motorists across the country after government on Monday announced new fuel prices.

The government through the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) announced a major drop in prices of Petrol and Diesel by Sh4.76 and Sh1.08 per litre respectively.

The price of Kerosene however, increased with Sh0.44.

According to EPRA, the changes in prices have been effected by the drop in average landed cost of imported Super Petrol by 7.66% in the months of August and September as well as Diesel, which decreased 2.32% over the same period.

With the new prices which are effective October 15, Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerose will retail at Sh105.44, Sh99.35 and Sh98.47 respectively, in Mombasa. In Nairobi Super Petrol will retail at Sh108.05, Diesel Sh101.96 and Kerosene at Sh101.08.
Here are the new prices for each town;
EPRA announces new fuel prices
EPRA announces new fuel prices

EPRA announces new fuel prices

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