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Kenyan Pastor arrested for asking congregation to worship naked

Police are investigating a pastor in West Pokot over strange activities conducted in his church.

Samuel Kalwari was arrested for allegedly forcing children to abandon school and join his church.

Reports by the People Daily claimed that the congregation at Kalwari's church worship naked.

Kipkomo sub-county police commandant Mohamed Kofa said the parents of the affected children have also been arrested.

Arraigned in court

He was taken to Kapenguria police station before he was to be arraigned in court.

Churches have been in the spotlight of late with some preachers being accused of preaching radical Christian teachings to school children.

In Malindi, for instance, an evangelist was arrested after it was reported that he held 53 students, aged between 10 and 35 years, at his church.

Children dropping out of school

Most of the students had quit various schools in Malindi to join the pastor’s radical teachings claiming the formal education was wrong.

Malindi OCPD Matawa Muchangi said they arrested the pastor following reports of extreme religious teachings which made the children drop out of school.

Residents hailed police for acting on the matter saying parents have lost control over their children who dropped out of school to live with the clergyman.

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