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Orengo Offers to Represent Ruto in Dams Scandal [VIDEO]

Siaya Senator, James Orengo, has pledged to act for Deputy President William Ruto if he agrees to record a statement on the Arror and Kimwarer dams scandal.

Speaking at a funeral in Marakwet on Saturday, the senior counsel urged the DP to clear his name, adding that he should seek his services if sees fit.

"I'm asking the deputy president to record a statement on the money that was lost in the Arror and Kimwarer dams.

"If he does not have a lawyer, he should look for me so that I can help him. We want to know the truth," stated Orengo.

He went on to add that Ruto should shed more light into the matter if he's sure that no money was lost.

Commenting on the issue, ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga, who also attended the burial ceremony, explained that the courts would convict the guilty and exonerate those who were innocent. 

"When a case is before the courts, politicians should stop asking why certain people have been charged yet others are roaming free.

"The evidence will be adduced in court and the thieves will be known. No one will be victimised, but the truth will final prevail," the AU envoy explained.

Watch the video below courtesy of KTN:

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