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Postmortem reveals what Killed ex-Multimedia University Student

The late Susan Njoki Ex-multimedia student

A Postmortem conducted on the late former Multimedia University student Susan Njoki has revealed that she died after being hit by a speeding car.

The report further explains that the late Njoki had a broken skull and fractured limbs indicating that she might have been involved in an accident.

After the examination, her body was moved to Egerton University Mortuary as the family continues with burial arrangements.

Suleiman Muiruri Ngugi, brother to the late Ms Njoki mentioned that the burial will be on Friday at their home in Njoro.

Njoki’s disappearance

The family of the late Susan Njoki reported her disappearance on January 8th, 2019 at the Ongata Rongai police station.

She went missing two days after returning to Nairobi where she worked for a public relations company. She celebrated Christmas at their family home in Jordan estate, Njoro before heading back to the city on December 27.

Upon arriving in Nairobi, Njoki called her mother informing her that she had arrived safely at her Rongai house.

Her phone went off on December 30th, forcing her two brothers and cousin to start searching for her. But unfortunately her body was found at City mortuary on December 15.
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