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Lillian Muli and her “community husband” reunited


The last time there was any mention of Jared Nevaton on her social media account, she was responding to an allegation made by Jared Nevaton about her embezzling 10 million shillings from him allegedly to set up a spa and gymnasium.
Lilian Muli
And all this was precipitated by the fact that she had come out to publicly announce her break-up from him with a spectacular post on social media in which she referred to the father of her second-born son as a “community husband”.
But all that seems to be water under the bridge as she took to her social media account with a picture of her now ex (we have no idea whether or not they have reunited) co-parenting. The post teases the identity of Jared Nevaton and their son Liam as both have their faces carefully designed to be out of frame.
The comments on the post are equally as interesting. Check out some of them:
Watu wawili wakipendana Hakuna anaeza kuwatenganisha hata in laws they can’t. So wakikosana nyamaza tu coz watarudiana tu
Awesome my dear it’s all about motherhood
So the community husband is back again in ur life mami😂😂😂

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