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Man digs hole into girl’s bedroom, defiles her and then attempts to kill her – PHOTOS


A Class Eight girl from Kagaa Village, Ol Kalou constituency in Nyandarua County is admitted in a coma at JM Level Four Memorial Hospital after she was defiled by a man who also attempted to kill her.
The man dug a home under the wooden house to access the girl’s bedroom during the Sunday incident.
Nyandarua Health Chief Officer Dr Jorum Muraya said the 14-year-old girl is in critical condition, traumatized and cannot talk.
“Our staff is working to stabilize her condition. She is not in a good state,” said Dr Muraya.
The suspect is still at large.
The hole used by the suspect to access the house. PHOTO | WAIKWA MAINA
Following the incident, residents staged a protest against the rise of crime in the area which they attribute to increasing drugs abuse.
They claimed bhang is openly being sold with the knowledge of security officers whom they claimed are compromised by drug peddlers.
The residents added that several girls and women have been sexually abused in the area, including a Class Seven girl who got pregnant after being defiled.
Villagers at the scene of the crime. PHOTO | WAIKWA MAINA
Kagaa Primary School chairperson Simon Gitonga said drugs usage is affecting education standards, with a high rate of school dropouts being witnessed.
He described the defiled minor as a bright candidate at the school.
During the Sunday morning incident, the mother to the defiled girl woke up after she heard her daughter writhing in pain.
The mother is reported to have collapsed on seeing her daughter’s agony.
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