Pastor James Maina Ng'ang'a of Neno Evangelism Ministries
has spoken about his abusive rant in church that was targeted at members of his
Speaking at his Nairobi church on Sunday, he revealed that
God spoke to him after the stern warning he gave to his bishops to respect his
Ng'anga' disclosed that the Lord appeared to him in a vision
and urged him not to worry.
“I have never listened to God with so much clarity.
Yesterday God told me, “My son, don’t disturb yourself with these small things.
Go and rescue my people," he told the congregation.
He also added that he had been called to save a select few
and not everyone.
“There are things I would like people to know. Number one, I
am called and chosen by God in this position. Number two, I am not doing things
to entertain people. Number three, the trainings of the ministry are
"I am dealing with what you are not dealing with. I am
called to do things that are not known. So please, when you judge, be careful!”
he declared.
Ng’ang’a also cautioned what he called ‘outsiders’ against
criticizing him, not only because he is "a servant of God" but also
because he is not their pastor and they do not know him.
Reporters who had attended the church service noted that the
members of the church had been unmoved since the abusive rant because it was
still flocked.