A Citizen TV camera was damaged on Monday after the Wajir County Press Director, Ahmed Abdishakur, allegedly assaulted journalists in an event that was being presided over by Governor Mohamed Abdi Mohamud.
The governor was distributing items to farmers in the county when some of them missed out.
It is at this point that the journalists interviewed some of the residents who wanted to air out their grievances when the County Press Director reportedly started assaulting them.
"He beat up my colleague from STN and then he hit my camera and broke the lens," Abdiqafar, a Citizen TV journalist stated.
Speaking to The Evening Post, the County Press Director highlighted that the journalists were too quick to narrate their part of the story.
"They are the ones who caused the havoc and the matter is with the police, it is them that are spreading the matter to the public but it is being handled by the right authorities," he noted.
He, however, declined to state the manner in which the journalists had caused havoc, citing that the matter was already with the authorities.
In late May, a KTN reporter Caroline Bii and her cameraman, Magana Kirira were stoned and kicked while following up on a story in a school in Machakos County.
The journalists, who had gone to acquire information about a form two student who went missing since first term, were chased away by the students after a directive from their principal, Charles Kioko.
The vehicle they were using was also torched by the students and their camera destroyed.