Daring members of a criminal gang operating in Garissa County has released a clip of some of its members threatening to go after police informers.
The video which surfaced on social media started with one of the members introducing himself as Piga Madwa and disclosed that he had committed more crimes than police had ever accused him of.
He went on to explain that the gang's leader was undergoing training in criminal activities
The speaker also sent a message to members of the public who were collaborating with police officers to tame crime, that they would go after them.
With the help of his fellow gangsters who appeared in the video looking high on drugs, they went on and named a few individuals whom they accused of being police informers.
The video has sparked outrage from Kenyans who urged the police to take action on the delinquent youth.
On Sunday, Dula alias Captain J, was gunned down on following a coordinated police raid in Mombasa.
Dula and three of his henchmen were spotted in Magodoroni, Kisauni sub-county, by locals who then alerted the police.
The gang was reportedly on a looting spree when the security officers led by Kisauni Sub-county Police Commander (SCPC), Julius Kiragu, circled in on their location.
A dramatic chase ensued with Captain J's three underlings narrowly evading the police dragnet, however, the ring leader was shot during the melee and pronounced dead.
Watch the video below.