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West Pokot Governor Forces Adults to Attend 1 Hour Class Every Day [VIDEO]

West Pokot Governor John Lonyangapuo, on Tuesday, revealed that it was mandatory for adults who didn't receive formal education growing up to attend literacy classes in his county.

Speaking during an interview on KTN, the county head stated that the classes were beneficial to imoriving the lives of residnets in his county.

"Anybody who did not go to school in my county is now forced by law to enroll for adult classes, every week, one hour per day," he stated.

He explained that the initiative commenced on July 2018 and they have 420 mobile teachers to reach the adults wherever they are in the vast county.

Lonyangapuo conveyed that residents were quite satisfied with the service as it had empowered them to complete simple tasks.

"I meet residents and they are very happy. They tell me they can operate their phones now and read messages when somebody sends them money. Other can now read the Bible," he conveyed.

The governor further revealed that with the classes, come elections day, the residents would be able to vote for the leader the want to vote for.

When questioned about having a deputy governor, Lonyangapuo noted that it was the governor's prerogative to choose a deputy governor.

"If the governor chooses not to give the deputy governor duties, he/she has nothing to do. Mine is even better, Nairobi county does not have a deputy governor.

"My deputy governor sits in the board of saving mothers in the US. So West Pokot is at an advantage as we receive equipment for saving mothers," he conveyed.

Here is the video courtesy of KTN:

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