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Shebesh Leads Slum Operation to Flush Out Serial City Rapists [VIDEO]

Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs CAS Rachael Shebesh is leading an operation to flush out serial rapists waylaying women in Kisumu City.

Two days after news broke of a gang of young men who have been taking advantage of women in Nyalenda slum, the CAS visited the area accompanied by Kisumu Woman Rep Rosa Buyu and other local administrators.

They came face to face with women who had been assaulted by the gang as they narrated their painful encounters.

Even though police claimed to have arrested more than five individuals in connection to the gang, NTV reported that none of them had been arraigned in court.

"I don't fear the Judicial systems or the internal security. As long as they aren't doing their job of protecting women, we cannot speak the same language," an angry Shebesh told the local residents.

Kisumu East Deputy County Commissioner Josephine Ouko assured the locals of enhanced security.

"Operation ya kufagia rapists Nyalenda tutaifanya pamoja vile tulifanya wa wezi. Kama unajua wewe uko na fikira za kuwa rapist nakupea onyo, hama! Nyalenda imekuwa kidogo kwako (This operation of flushing out rapists in Nyalenda will be done in conjuction with residents the same way we flushed out theives. I you have even the slightest thoughts about raping, I am warning you to move from this area. Nyalenda has become too small for you)." warned Ouko.

Kisumu Woman Rep Buyu stated that even minors who were caught assaulting women should be tried as adults because they portrayed adult-like behavior.

She was joined by other leaders in the call for changes in the sexual offences act.

"If you are a 16-year-old and strong enough to rape somebody else, you cease being a minor. Now you must be dealt with like a man who can rape," she spoke.

Watch Rachaels Shbesh lead an operation to flush out rapists below.

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