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Class eight pupil crushed to death by school bus, driver flees


A school bus belonging to Mt Sinai school academy in Likoni, Mombasa knocked and killed a class eight candidate.

Omar Mshenga,15, candidate at Kenya Excellent Centre and school was cut short in a grisly road accident when he was hit by the speeding minibus at approved area at around 6:30am

He died some 100 metres away from school and was crashed together with the bicycle he was pushing uphill to school.

The bus driver identified as Nicholas Mwai escaped shortly after the accident leaving the bus and some children inside. Likoni OCPD Benjamin Rotich confirmed the accident and asked the driver to surrender to police within 24 hours.

According to eyewitness, the deceased was cycling when the bus hit him from opposite direction and dragged him on the road 500 metres away crushing his head to pieces.

He died some 100 metres away from school and was crashed together with the bicycle he was pushing uphill to school.

The bus driver identified as Nicholas Mwai escaped shortly after the accident leaving the bus and some children inside. Likoni OCPD Benjamin Rotich confirmed the accident and asked the driver to surrender to police within 24 hours.

According to eyewitness, the deceased was cycling when the bus hit him from opposite direction and dragged him on the road 500 metres away crushing his head to pieces.

His colleague identified as Veroh who has been operating a food kiosk for the last three years and who normally opens at 6am said the driver of the minibus normally over speed in a steep slope.

Learning at Excellence school where Omar schooled was disrupted following the sad news.

When the standard visited the school, teachers and pupils in gloomy faces were seen chatting in groups outside over the dead of their one.

The school deputy head teacher Ms Cecilia Mweluphe confirmed the deceased was their student and he was a candidate expecting to sit this year’s KCPE exam.

Omar was a candidate in a class of seven pupils, three girls and four boys,after joining the school in 2016.

His desk remained unoccupied.

Ms Mweluphe said the orphaned boy was being sponsored by the school after his plight was highlighted by the community.

She said the school had high hopes in him as he usually scores 350 marks and above.

"He was a hardworking boy we had great hopes in him, we have lost a boy who had great mind," she said amid tears flowing.

She said counsellors were expected at the school to do counseling to the pupils who were traumatized.
His elder brother Hussein Mohammed an employee at kpa arrived at the school shortly was in pain to explained how is brother died.

He said he bought his brother a bicycle early January when he joined class eight not knowing this could kill him later.

He said he used to drop him with his motorcycle at school but later bought him a bicycle so that he could cycle himself.

He called on authorities to investigate the matter and family get justice.
"He died young because of reckless driving, let the police do their part and bring justice, that is what we want," said Mohammed.

Mt Sinai school, the owner of the alleged killer bus when the standard sought their comment, the school principal was rude and arrogant to journalists and even went ahead ejecting them from his office.

"What about it! You are not the aggrieved parents! Go to police that is where you can get what you want! ,"School principal shouted as he bhang the door.
Likoni police boss Benjamin Rotich confirmed the accident and the said bus that it belonged to Sinai academy.
He said the whereabouts of the driver was unknown and when the 24hours time elapsed before he turn himself to authorities, that is when the police will swung into action.

"The bus is KAM 061 M, a Mitsubishi we have contacted experts also from the inspection to come and inspect the bus and that is when the investigation will be based, “said police chief.
He said the remains of the boy were moved to coast general morgue where postmortem is expected to be done.
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