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ODM insider spills on political party Uhuru and Raila will form

President Uhuru Kenyatta with former PM Raila Odinga at the anti-corruption forum at Bomas of Kenya (Twitter)

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his handshake partner Raila Odinga are in the throes of forming a new political outfit, an ODM insider has revealed.

The official who refused to be named confirmed that the two are gearing up for the 2022 General Election where President Kenyatta will allegedly back Mr Odinga for the presidential race.

According to the ODM insider, a series of rallies have been planned as a strategy to sensitize the electorate on the coming political shift.

"The main agenda of these rallies is to prepare our people for a political alliance between Uhuru and Raila.

"We are also preparing the ground for our people to support a referendum that will take place before the next elections," the insider told Standard.

Unity Drive spearheaded by ODM MPs

The special AU envoy is set to tour the Nyanza region with President Kenyatta expected to make appearances.

The tour will be christened the "Unity Drive" and is expected to make stops in Suna West (Migori County), Ugunja (Siaya County), Kisumu East, Muhoroni and Homa Bay Town.

The just concluded Nyatike and Siaya leg of the tours saw former Prime Minister Raila Odinga hold a meeting at his Opoda home with Kikuyu elders from Nakuru over the weekend.
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