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Kanze Dena explains Uhuru's absence from the public

State House Spokesperson Kanze Dena during a past press briefing

President Uhuru Kenyatta is well and attending to his functions as normal, State House spokesperson Kanze Dena has stated.

In a Monday morning interview with Radio Maisha, the spokesperson clarified that the President is in good health and there's nothing amiss about his minimal public appearances since he came back from China.

"I have just spoken to the President this morning and he is fine. I am shocked that people say they haven't seen the President since he left China, yet on 3rd of this month he had a meeting with executives from Global Fund and there was a Statement about it.

"The President is around, it doesn't mean that because he is not seen in public he is not there, he has an office where he goes every day and he is working on several things

"Allow me not to disclose further details on the President's whereabouts because it is my duty to protect the President as well," she stated.

She further explained that the president doesn't have to post everything he is doing so that Kenyans know that he is working while mentioning that he is not like the "tanga tanga squad".

President Uhuru Kenyatta's return to Social Media?

The State House spokesperson also clarified on why the President's social media accounts were deactivated and whether he will return.

"President Uhuru Kenyatta's Social Media accounts are his personal accounts. He has the right to activate or deactivate them as he wills. He has his reasons, and we respect that.

"I am not at liberty to disclose the details on why he left and the discussions that have been held by the State House communications team on the matter but yes, I agree he may have decided to leave on account of something that he found distasteful.

"Why do Kenyans want him back when they used to send insults? Let me urge Kenyans to observe respect for the President at all times, he leaves Kenya and he is respected in other countries but Kenyans don't seem to accord him the respect he deserves," she urged.
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