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‘My arrogant house help is pregnant for my husband’ Cries city woman


A city woman has been left in a tight spot after finding out disturbing news about her ex house help.
*Jane* the woman, feels betrayed by both her husband and the help.

I have been married to my husband for some years now, and we have beautiful kids together.

I recently just found out that my ex house-help is pregnant for my husband.

I had to let her go about few months ago, because I wasn’t comfortable with her behavior, she was becoming to comfortable in my home.


After that she and her brother kept on calling me and raining insults on me.

Some days go, I got a text from her, saying I should tell my ”useless husband that has impregnated her, to pick her calls.

Adding that she doesn’t blame me, because I am a good woman, but my husband isn’t.

Jane adds that she forwarded the message to her husband but she is torn on what to do.

I forwarded the message to my husband, who denied ever having anything to do with her.

I was going to let it slide, not until I got another text from her, which confirms that she is pregnant for my husband.

At this point, I don’t know what action to take, as I  am so broken and hurt. I wouldn’t leave my home because of this.

I wont give her the victory of watching her see my home scattered.

How do I handle the situation?

What would you advice her to do?
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