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I enjoy eating dog, cat and tortoise meat – Migori man

Thomas Odembo, 35, preparing a tortoise in his house on Wednesday when the Star visited him/ Manuel Odeny 

A watchman from Ogongo village in Nyatike subcounty has taken to rearing chameleons, lizards and tortoises for consumption.
Thomas Odembo, 35, said he started feeding on chameleons, lizards, tortoises, cats and dogs after working as a guard for a Chinese contractor.
Odembo, a father of seven, said he has an insatiable appetite for the unconventional meat and decided to start rearing chameleons, lizards and tortoises in his house to supplement his diet.

I have lost appetite for cow and goat meat, and I am ready to supply the village.

When the Star visited Odembo on Wednesday, he was preparing a tortoise for lunch.

Thomas Odembo, 35, preparing a tortoise in his house on Wednesday when the Star visited him/ Manuel Odeny Image: MANUEL ODENY
Thomas Odembo, 35, preparing a tortoise in his house on Wednesday when the Star visited him/ Manuel Odeny
Wearing a light jungle green jacket and black trousers, Odembo calmly led us in his house after killing the animal.

I took chameleon last night for supper, this tortoise was brought by a neighbour who found it in his shamba.

I have worked in several Chinese contractors’ and miners’ compounds in the area, I learnt this diet from them after realising the animals we don’t eat have not affected them.

Odembo said the animals just taste like normal meat.
Odembo hails from Kasigunga in Homa Bay county and works with Chinese firm in the neighbouring  Nyatike.

My favourite meal is often reptiles especially snakes, lizards, chameleons and tortoise.

He said his wife Pauline Akoth and their children do not indulge

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