A Kenyan man has left may in shock after admitting that he sleeps with a banana plant (mgomba) to avoid the risk of getting infected with HIV/Aids.
*John* says he reached that decision after his uncle passed away after contracting the same disease.
I come from a very poor background, so my uncle – from my dads side – took the initiative of taking care of us. Buying us cloths and other things before death struck.
After my uncle’s death my mum assured me that he had been bewitched only for me to learn that he died from Aids.
It is then that I deiced not to risk dying of Aids, I decided to be sleeping with a banana plant (mgomba).”
What I do is, I drill a hole and pour hot water into it before proceeding to fulfill my sexual urges. I cannot marry because I get my urges satisfied so why would I want a woman?
I have a girlfriend and that is the mgomba.
My parents have been pushing me to marry given that I am an only child and I am not interested despite the fact that I am 27 years old.
What would you advice John to do?
And what is the weirdest myth you have ever heard about HIV/Aids?
Put your answer in the comment section, they may help John change his mind and get a real human bae.