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PHOTOs Of JUDY WANGUI, The Evil Lady ACCUSED OF Conspiring With Her Mpango Wa Kando, JOSEPH KORI , And Killed His Wife.

Her name is Judy Wangui, an evil lady who conspired with a 41 year old businessman identified as, Joseph Kori, to kill his wife, Mary Wambui, and then dumped her body in a dam along Thika Road.

The incidence happened in  Judy’s house at FourWays Junction along Kiambu Road last Saturday after she lured Mary to a trap and invited her to her  house after a lunch date at Homeland Inn along Thika Road where they were allegedly ironing out their differences

Apparently, Judy's happens to be Mary's former employee.

It’s reported that Mary met her husband Joseph in Judy’s house, confirming her worst fears that she was sleeping with her husband.

A fight ensued and Judy beat up Mary with the help of her mpango wa kando Joseph, leaving her with serious  injuries.

Mary succumbed to death inside Judy’s house.

Judy and Joseph wrapped Mary’s body in bedsheets, put it in a sack and dumped it in a dam in Juja after realizing they had killer her.

Police found blood stained clothes  in Judy's house and neighbours confirmed they heard  a commotion that lasted for long on that fateful night Mary was killed and her body dumped in a dam.

Here are photos of the evil woman called Judy, who conspired with her mpango wa kando Joseph and killed Mary.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To kenyan-post, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post.

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