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How Uhuru's Gift Changed Man's Life in Two Months Time

A single phone call from a chief, on February 28, 2019, changed Joseph Macharia's life after he was informed that President Uhuru Kenyatta had gifted him with a house.

The house had been initially been given to one Damaris Wambui after her son, Dennis Ngaruiya, recited a poem to the president.

She, however, declined to accept it warranting Macharia and his family be issued the house.

“Whenever I get into the house I always recall the chief’s voice saying that I had been selected to get the house and the plot. It wasn’t in my thoughts that I would own such a property,” a thankful Macharia narrated.

The house that was rejected by Damaris Wambui

Macharia narrated to The Standard that the house had changed his life stating that he and his six children, three who are disabled, used to live in a semi-permanent iron sheet structure at a church in Nakuru.

“I had no job and with three disabled children, I was unable to comfortably provide for the family. It was then that the church housed my family and I within its compound,” Macharia recalled.

He stated that his wife had also deserted him, making his life more difficult.

Two months down the line, Macharia's life has changed for the better. He stated that his children are much more comfortable and their new school is closer home.

“Although the jobs don’t come by daily, I am grateful to the community around. They have been very supportive and whenever there is a job, they link me and this way I'm able to support my family,” he stated.

The father of six has also planted crops in the available space.

"I already have seedlings for various vegetables that I want to inter-crop here,” Macharia noted.

An image of Macharia, who received a house from President Uhuru Kenyatta
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