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Gov Waititu Weds, Here are The Photos

Two staunch members of the Tanga Tanga Squad on Saturday, May 25  officially said I do to the love of their lives in separate traditional ceremonies.

Kiambu Governor Ferdinard Waititu wed his wife of thirty years, Susan Ndung'u in a ceremony that was reportedly meant to clear the way for their daughter, Dr Monica Njeri Ndung'u to get married.

According to the Kikuyu culture, the parents cannot receive dowry payments for their daughter if they had not taken part in the 'ngurario' ceremony, which serves as the final part of the Kikuyu wedding.

Dr Njeri who is the firstborn of Waititu and Susan’s five children, is a graduate of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Nairobi (class of 2014).

She is an alumnus of Alliance Girls High School and is currently employed by the Kiambu County government as a senior doctor at Gatundu Level 5 Hospital.

On the other hand,  Kiharu Member of Parliament Ndindi Nyoro finally seemed to have heeded to President Uhuru Kenyatta's advice in 2018 when he attended Murang’a Senator Irungu Kanga’ta's wedding.
The president urged other young leaders to to settle down in marriage in order to set a good example for the youth.

“We are all here to witness our senator getting married. I thank him for deciding to settle down in marriage. This demonstrates a good example worthy to be emulated by other young leaders,” Uhuru maintained.

The President insisted that no significant development could be realized in the country in the absence of strong families.

On Saturday, Nyoro officially left the singles club when he presented dowry for his fiancé, Sophie in a colourful ceremony.

Nyoro's traditional dowry ceremony was attended by a number of dignitaries including Murang'a Woman Rep Sabina Wanjiru Chege and Gatundu South lawmaker Moses Kuria. 

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