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Family Sneaks and Buries Kin in Former Minister's Land at Night

Controversy has been sparked between two families after kin of the late Beatrice Otieno buried her in former assistant minister Arch Bishop Stephen Ondiek's land on Monday night.

Concilia Ondiek, the late bishop's wife had obtained an order to stop the burial of Ms Otieno in the family's cemetery.

“That is an abomination and I will be moving to court to seek exhumation orders.

"The lady (Beatrice Otieno) was married elsewhere and is survived by a husband and two children aged 18 and 16," Ms Ondiek stated.

She added that the deceased was married to Richard Kobare.

“Upon her death, the defendants decided to inter her remains in my parcel of land number North Ugenya/Sifuyo/555 without consulting or involving me,” the court papers read.
The late minister's son, Paul Ondiek disputed the claims stating that Ms Otieno was married to his brother Solomon who lived in the US.

“(Ms) Concilia has no moral authority to speak on behalf of my father’s family.

My brother who lives in the US is Beatrice’s legal husband, having married and paid her dowry under the Luo customary laws,” Ondiek continued.

Daily Nation reports that on Friday, a court in Siaya had barred the deceased family members from burying her on the former Minister's land.

However, the deceased family members secured another order allowing them to take her body from the mortuary
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